Today is Friday the 13th – superstition calls this an unlucky day. And so it was too, a century ago.
In this newspaper cartoon titled “The Bravest Man” from August 13th, 1915, we find two sharply-dressed men discussing a third man – First man: “He is the bravest man I know.” Second man: “Why?”. First man: “He’s trying out his new saddle horse on Friday the 13th!”. Yes, a brave move indeed! Love the image of this man’s checkered suit complete with straw hat and cane.

And here is a real-life newspaper story from August 14, 1915 relating the tale of a Baltimore man who had a real “Hoodoo Day” for himself the day before, on Friday the 13th – found by the cops with his arms entwined about a lamp-post after getting drunk on 13 drinks, then thrown into the drunk tank and placed in cell number 13! Yikes. (The guy also happened to live at a number 13 address.)